1) a cross-country journey with the intent of sight seeing.
2) the speed run: from point 'A' to point 'B' as fast as possible, with no unnecessary stops.
3) relocation: a road trip centered on relocating from one location to another.
4) regional trips: inner-county and trips within a state, but may be extended to short trips into neighboring states.
5) international trips: road trips to italy, croatia, san marino, vatican state, monaco or within other foreign destinations outside of the traveler's home country.
6) ultimate road trips: usually are months in length and encompass large goals, such as driving through every state in the europe.
7) caravanning: Road trips involving multiple vehicles traveling together.
girls (including erika, the car of iza), we do the 5), definitly no 2) , 3) or 4), the sight-seeing in 1) (thx for the art history knowledge, tprings), maybe it will be a 7) if we meet nice people on the way and hopefully extend it to a 6) (just daydreaming ;-)!!!